All the items in the illustration are covered with one catalog number.
The joint assemblies consist of a tubular aluminum joint, a tubular steel joint and an aluminum filler plug.
The steel joint is made of galvanized steel, prefilled with Cicame Unigrip Compound and provided with a solid center stop to facilitate centring of the conductor ends.
Steel and aluminum joints are provided with plastic end caps.
Dies for Model 6-TON tool have prefix WD. (max size CSA-24)
Dies for Model 12-TON tool have prefix CD. (max size CSA-30)
Dies for Models 60-TON tool have prefix JD.
Dies for Model 100-TON tool have prefix D.
Example: WDA-5, CDA-7, JDA-7, DA-7.
See tooling section for more information on dies.
Cables : Aluminum-steel reinforced conductors (ACSR)
Connectors : junction sleeve assembly, full tension, compression