They will withstand juper-loop tensile stresses. Sleeves have a solid centre stop, are prefilled with Cicame Jointing Compound and are capped. All items can be installed with sttandard CSA die cavities. Connectors will be supplied prefilled with an approved HV Type jointing compound and/or tinned on request. In this case add catalogue number suffix HV for HV Type compound or T for tin plating. Example : JR 26-404 HTV (HV Type Compound and tinned) JR 26-404 HV (HV Type Compound only) JR 26-404 T (Tinned only)

Dies for Model 6-TON tool have prefix WD. (max size CSA-24) Dies for Model 12-TON tool have prefix CD. (max size CSA-30) Dies for Models 60-TON tool have prefix JD. Dies for Model 100-TON tool have prefix D. Example: WDA-5, CDA-7, JDA-7, DA-7.

See tooling section for more information on dies. Cables : Aluminum-steel reinforced conductors (ACSR), all aluminum (ASC), all aluminum alloy (AASC) and copper (Cu) Connectors : junction sleeve, partial tension, compression

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